A collection of Christian art to light up your world.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Land Flowing with Milk and Honey (迦南美地)

I’ve kinda felt bored at my job lately. There is not too much job satisfaction. Some people may think that I should count myself lucky to have a job in this terrible economy. But I would like to be more fulfilled at work and have more opportunities. My situation is like the Israelites facing the river Jordan at flood stage, not able to cross over to the land flowing with milk and honey that God has promised them (Book of Joshua). By faith, I am moving into my destiny. I believe God has given me talent in art and languages. So I am painting and writing articles for evangelism. I would also like to make paintings for children so they will understand more above the love of God for them. Sports ministry is also my thing. I expect God to dry up my river Jordan and guide me to move into my land of opportunities. When there are opportunities, there will also be obstacles. God made Jericho and many other strongholds fall as the Israelites conquer the land of Canaan. So I expect God to make my Jericho fall as I move into my destiny. I just have to persevere.
Some people just like to live their own lives and their destiny in their own hands. Forget about God and his plans for me.
But they are really missing the greatest treasure in life, which is Jesus. Living for Him and serving Him with our talents can be so fulfilling.
You too can ask God to give you your land flowing with milk and honey, dry up your river Jordan and make your Jericho fall. Come on, move into your destiny with God.
我最近覺得工作沉悶,沒有什麼滿足感。你也許覺得現在世界艱難,有工作已很幸運。但我真想多一些滿足感和多一些機會。我的景況就好像以色列人來到約但河不能去到神應許他們的迦南美地(約書亞記)。我憑信心進入神對我的計劃。神給了我繪畫和語言的天份。我喜歡透過繪畫和寫作來傳福音。我希望透過繪畫使小朋友更明白神的愛。體育事工也是我杯茶。我期待神把我的約但河變成乾地和帶領我進入迦南美地。有機會亦有困難。當以色列人進入迦南美地時,神今耶利哥和很多營壘 倒下。當我進入神的計劃時,我相信衪會使我的耶利哥倒下。我要加油。
我最近觉得工作沉闷,没有什么满足感。你也许觉得现在世界艰难,有工作已很幸运。但我真想多一些满足感和多一些机会。我的景况就好像以色列人来到约但河不能去到神应许他们的迦南美地(乔舒亚记)。我凭信心进入神对我的计划。神给了我绘画和语言的天份。我喜欢透过绘画和写作来传福音。我希望透过绘画使小朋友更明白神的爱。体育事工也是我杯茶。我期待神把我的约但河变成干地和带领我进入迦南美地。有机会亦有困难。当以色列人进入迦南美地时,神今耶利哥和很多营垒 倒下。当我进入神的计划时,我相信衪会使我的耶利哥倒下。我要加油。

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