A collection of Christian art to light up your world.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Singapore - City of Lion King of Judah or Durian City (新加坡 = 犹大狮子之城 + 榴槤之都)

One day, I felt led by the Lord to paint the Lion of Judah over the Merlion, mascot of Singapore (the Lion City). Often God leads His children (Ezekiel 4) to express what He will do in a city or a nation using art or drama.

The Lion King of Judah is actually Jesus who is going to open the seals for judgment at the beginning of the 7-year tribulation in the book of Revelation. Not a very pleasant topic, but it is coming. Jesus is the Lamb of God who died for our sins and He is also the Lion of Judah who is coming soon to rule the world.
Revelation 5
New International Version (NIV)
4 I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. 5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

In the end times, things will get terribly nasty in this world (wars, famine, pestilence, earthquake) I think God is showing me that He loves all people in the world. In this case, He wants to be with the people of Singapore the Lion City. So, in the name of Jesus, I am proclaiming that this Lion City belongs to the Lion King of Judah, Jesus. God’s mercy triumphs over judgment. (James 2:13)

So my dear friends in Singapore, would you consider Jesus in 2012? He longs to have a personal relationship with you and bless you with joy, peace and hope. His heart is to bless, not to judge. The stage is set for the one world government. So guys and girls, please hurry up and make the right choice. Time is running out.

Now, I want to switch to something more light hearted. My mom says that my Lion King of Judah looks more like a durian falling on the Merlion. OK, I did not have any brown paint! Ah, the durian dropped on the ground and became the durian shaped Esplanade. Hmm, I just love the smell of durian. Singapore = the City of the Lion of Judah and the Durian City : )

有一天,主感动我画犹大支派狮子空降在鱼尾狮 (新加坡 - 狮城的象征) 上。神常分咐衪的儿女用艺术和戏剧来表达衪对一个城市或国家的旨意 (以西结书4章)。


启 示 录 5:4-5
4 因 为 没 有 配 展 开 、 配 观 看 那 书 卷 的 , 我 就 大 哭 。
5 长 老 中 有 一 位 对 我 说 : 不 要 哭 。 看 哪 , 犹 大 支 派 中 的 狮 子 , 大 卫 的 根 , 他 已 得 胜 , 能 以 展 开 那 书 卷 , 揭 开 那 七 印 。
雅 各 书 2:13
13 因 为 那 不 怜 悯 人 的 , 也 要 受 无 怜 悯 的 审 判 ; 怜 悯 原 是 向 审 判 夸 胜 。
新加坡的朋友们,你会否2012年信主? 神希望与你有亲切的关系和赐喜乐,平安和盼望给你。衪想祝福不是审判我们。末世的新世界政府即将成立。希望你们早日信主。
妈妈跟我说我的犹大狮子好像榴槤从天而降,跌在鱼尾狮上。我没有啡色的油彩呀。榴槤跌在地上便变成榴槤形奘的滨海艺术中心 (Esplanade) 哈哈,我爱榴槤的香味呀!新加坡 = 犹大狮子之城 + 榴槤之都 : )