A collection of Christian art to light up your world.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Italy - Red, White, Green (意大利 - 紅, 白, 綠)

In my other painting, France red white blue , I said that the Lord impressed upon me that the colour red of the French flag symbolizes the blood of Jesus which washes away the sins of the nation. White means that the nation is clean in God's sight. Blue means that the destiny of the nation is heaven.
In this painting, Italy red white green. the colour red of the Italian flag also means that the blood of Jesus washes away the sins of the nation. White means the nation is clean in God's sight. Green means that the nation has a go ahead to heaven.
Italy is now a nation in Europe. It used to be the Roman empire, the great world empire. Jesus was crucified by the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, in Jerusalem. After the resurrection of Jesus, His disciples spread the gospel to the Roman empire and other parts of the world.
Europe has a deep root of Christianity. I believed many people were spirit filled, born again Christians. In Acts 1:1:8, after the resurrection of Jesus, many people from different nations gathered together to wait upon the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit came upon people like tongues of fire (Acts 2:1-4_. This was why I painted tongues of fire descending upon upper part of Italy (i.e. the upper part of the feet.) The backdrop is blue and it symbolizes heaven.
You may ask who is the Holy Spirit? What is a spirit filled Christian? Before we accept the Holy Spirit, our spirit is dead. We cannot communicate with God. After we become a Christian, the Holy Spirit dwells within our bodies, and we can talk to God about anything. He reveals His plan for our lives and we become more like Him. We live in a godly life by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Now I want to share with you my observation about the feet of Italy in relation to the world empire in the end time. In the book of Daniel, there is a statue that depicts 5 world empires. The statue is a warrior since world empire has always conquered by violence. The head of the statute is Babylon and it is gold. The bust is Persia and it is silver. The loins symbolize Greece which is bronze. The two legs symbolize the Roman empire which is iron. Finally, the 10 toes of the statute is partly iron and partly clay (Daniel 11:36-45, Daniel 12:1-11) It is a Rome derived world government (which is also called the New World Order coming out from the US) that will overthrow all the kingdoms of the world. The Antichrist will be the ruler of this world government. I find it quite amazing that the foot of Italy is like the leg of the Roman empire in Daniel, though the bible never made any connection between the leg of the Roman empire and the map of Italy : ) Then the toes of the world government are just like the toes of Italy (the province of Calabria). What is even more amazing is that the heel of Italy (the province of Puglia) is like the number 1. The world government that is derived from the US is number 1 in the world (well, don’t we all know that the US dominates the whole world) and overthrows all kingdoms in the world. I believe that God created the world and He knew how the world will end when he made it. I think it is no incidence that the map of Italy are like the foot and toes of the end time Roman world empire.
Finally the kingdom of God which is a stone (Daniel 2: 44-45) will destroy the kingdom of the Anitchrist. Jesus will overthrow the Antichrist and his wicked world government and establish His kingdom on earth. Saints will co-rule with Jesus on earth (Daniel 7:22, 26,27, Daniel 12:12-13) Isn’t the stone like Sicily? It crushes the toes of Italy (Calabria) While Puglia, the heel of Italy is like the so called no 1 world government which brings hell on earth. The Antichrist who is also called the beast will force people to receive a mark on their forehead or right hand in order to buy and sell. The number of the name of the beast is 666. Those who reject the mark will be beheaded. Those who receive the mark will be condemned to hell because they are worshiping Antichrist whose authority comes from the devil, the ruler of this world. They are in fact worshipping the devil. The devil told Jesus to worship him, so that he could have all the kingdoms of the world. (Matthew 4:8-9).
Sardegna, an island which also belongs to Italy is also like a number 1. It is on the left of Sicily. Can God be saying that His kingdom which is the stone that crushes the final world empire of the antichrist is the real number 1 empire?
I once saw a movie called Cinema Paradiso which was shot in Sicily. It was about a boy’s dream to become a film director in Sicily. Sicily is like the ‘stone’ kingdom of God, which is paradise. There is also a movie called Hell on Heels – the battle of Mary Kay. It is about two companies fighting for customers. Puglia, the heel of Italy is just like the ‘number 1’ New World Order. Isn’t this hell on heels?
Now I want to ask you a few questions. Will you like to be in Sicily, taking part in Cinema Paradiso, or be in Puglia taking part in Hell on Heels? Will you choose to receive the fire of the Holy spirit or live in the fire of hell forever? Will you choose to be in Sardegna, the no 1 island next to Sicily (God’s everlasting ‘stone’ empire) or the no 1 hell bound world empire in Puglia? The choice is yours. I have come to know Jesus and have ‘migrated’ to Sicily. Let’s serve God now . Be sure that He will take us to heaven (i.e be raptured) before the Antichrist gang brings hell on earth.
You will find out more about end time events in my article ‘The Timeline of the Last Days’
當主盼付我畫法國的異象畫「紅白藍」時,我覺得主告訴我法國旗 的紅色象徽着耶穌的寶血洗滌法國的罪。白色代表國家在神眼中是聖潔的。藍色代表法國的命定是天堂。
意大利是歐洲的一個國家。她以 前是偉大的古羅馬帝國。耶穌昰在耶路撒被提督比拉多釘在十字架上的。當耶穌復活之後,衪的門徒把福音傳遍羅馬帝國和世界各地。
基督教在歐洲有悠 久的影響。我相信那時候有很多被聖靈充滿的基督徒。當耶穌升天後,很多不同國藉的人在耶路撒冷等候聖靈的降臨(使徒行傳1:1-8)。聖靈好像火一般降臨到人身上(使徒行傳2:1-4)。我把火畫到意大利隻腳的上半部。背景是藍色。這象徵着天堂。
你也許會問聖靈是誰?什麼是一個重生的基督徒? 當我們沒有接受聖靈前,我們的靈是死的。我們不能與神溝通。當我們成為基督徒時,聖靈住在我們的身體裹。我們可以跟神所欲然。神會告訴我們衪對我們的旨意。我們的性情漸漸跟衪一樣。我們靠着聖靈過看着聖潔的生活。
我想跟你切享我對意大利的脚和末後的帝國的領受。但以記載着一個軍兵的象。這個兵象徽着五個帝國。這些帝國都是用暴力來征服列國的。人像的頭是金的,這象徽巴比倫。胸部是銀的波斯國。腰部是銅的希臘。雙腳昰鐵的羅馬帝國。最後十隻脚孑一部份昰鐵,一部份是泥。(但以琇11:36-45, 12:1-11) 這是從羅馬來的世界政府,即是從美國來的新世界。這個世界政府將會推翻整個世界的政權。敵基督將會是世界政府的首領。我覺得意大利的腳好像但以琇書描述的羅馬帝國的腳。雖然聖經沒有把「羅馬脚」和「意大利脚」相比,但世界政府的腳趾跟意大利的腳趾很相似。更有趣的是意大利的脚跟((Puglia)是1字。從美國出來的世界政府也是一哥。這個一哥將會推翻全世界的政府。神創做世界己知道世界末日時的景況。我想這昰意大利腳跟世界政府的腳和腳趾相似的原因吧。
但以琇書2:44-45告訴我們神的國是石。耶穌會推翻敵基督的邪惡世界政府,並在地上建立衪的王國。聖徒會跟耶穌在地上執政掌權(但以琇7:22,26,27 , 12:12-13)。你覺得西西里島(Sicily)是不是好像石頭一般踏在意大利的腳趾上(Calabria) 。意大利的腳跟(Puglia)1字是不是很像世界一哥?這個一哥將災難帶到整個世界。敵基督(又名獸)將會迫整個世界的人在前額或在手上接受一個印。人們要有這個印才可以買賣。獸的號碼是666。拒絕獸印會被斬頭。接受獸印的人會去地獄因為他們拜敞基督。敞基督的權柄是從魔鬼而來的。魔鬼是這個世界的君王。他跟耶穌說若祂敬拜他,他就把全世界的王國給他(馬太福音4:8-9)。拜敵基督就是拜魔鬼。
撒丁島(Sardegna) 是 一個意屬的, 亦昰個1字。這個島在西西里(Sicily)左面。神會否在說衪的國才是第一? 神的國將滅敵基督的世界政府?
我曾看一部在西西里拍攝的電影。電影名字是星光伴我心。從英文譯過來昰天堂影院。電影描術一個西西里的小男孩夢想做大尿演。西西里是不是很像神的石頭國?神的國便是天堂。号外有一部電影叫地獄鞋根-瑪利姬兒的大鬥 發。電影描術兩間公司拼命地爭顧客。Puglia,意大利的脚跟昰不是新世界的1字?他們要做一哥啊。
我想問你幾個問題。你會想到西西里的天堂影院子或是到Puglia的地獄鞋跟? 你要聖靈之火或是地之火?你會選擇到Sardegna,,在西西里左面的一號天堂島或是到Puglia的地獄王國?選擇權在你。我認識耶穌並會移民西西里。我們一起侍奉神吧。衪會把我們被提到天堂,免去敵基督時代的大災難。
当主盼付我画法国的异象画「红白蓝」时,我觉得主告诉我法国旗 的红色象徽着耶稣的宝血洗涤法国的罪。白色代表国家在神眼中是圣洁的。蓝色代表法国的命定是天堂。
意大利是欧洲的一个国家。她以 前是伟大的古罗马帝国。耶稣昰在耶路撒被提督比拉多钉在十字架上的。当耶稣复活之后,衪的门徒把福音传遍罗马帝国和世界各地。
基督教在欧洲有悠 久的影响。我相信那时候有很多被圣灵充满的基督徒。当耶稣升天后,很多不同国藉的人在耶路撒冷等候圣灵的降临(使徒行传1:1-8)。圣灵好像火一般降临到人身上(使徒行传2:1-4)。我把火画到意大利只脚的上半部。背景是蓝色。这象征着天堂。
你也许会问圣灵是谁?什么是一个重生的基督徒? 当我们没有接受圣灵前,我们的灵是死的。我们不能与神沟通。当我们成为基督徒时,圣灵住在我们的身体裹。我们可以跟神所欲然。神会告诉我们衪对我们的旨意。我们的性情渐渐跟衪一样。我们靠着圣灵过看着圣洁的生活。
我想跟你切享我对意大利的脚和末后的帝国的领受。但以记载着一个军兵的象。这个兵象徽着五个帝国。这些帝国都是用暴力来征服列国的。人像的头是金的,这象徽巴比伦。胸部是银的波斯国。腰部是铜的希腊。双脚昰铁的罗马帝国。最后十只脚孑一部份昰铁,一部份是泥。(但以琇11:36-45, 12:1-11) 这是从罗马来的世界政府,即是从美国来的新世界。这个世界政府将会推翻整个世界的政权。敌基督将会是世界政府的首领。我觉得意大利的脚好像但以琇书描述的罗马帝国的脚。虽然圣经没有把「罗马脚」和「意大利脚」相比,但世界政府的脚趾跟意大利的脚趾很相似。更有趣的是意大利的脚跟((Puglia)是1字。从美国出来的世界政府也是一哥。这个一哥将会推翻全世界的政府。神创做世界己知道世界末日时的景况。我想这昰意大利脚跟世界政府的脚和脚趾相似的原因吧。
但以琇书2:44-45告诉我们神的国是石。耶稣会推翻敌基督的邪恶世界政府,并在地上建立衪的王国。圣徒会跟耶稣在地上执政掌权(但以琇7:22,26,27 , 12:12-13)。你觉得西西里岛(Sicily)是不是好像石头一般踏在意大利的脚趾上(Calabria) 。意大利的脚跟(Puglia)1字是不是很像世界一哥?这个一哥将灾难带到整个世界。敌基督(又名兽)将会迫整个世界的人在前额或在手上接受一个印。人们要有这个印才可以买卖。兽的号码是666。拒绝兽印会被斩头。接受兽印的人会去地狱因为他们拜敞基督。敞基督的权柄是从魔鬼而来的。魔鬼是这个世界的君王。他跟耶稣说若祂敬拜他,他就把全世界的王国给他(马太福音4:8-9)。拜敌基督就是拜魔鬼。
撒丁岛(Sardegna) 是 一个意属的, 亦昰个1字。这个岛在西西里(Sicily)左面。神会否在说衪的国才是第一? 神的国将灭敌基督的世界政府?
我曾看一部在西西里拍摄的电影。电影名字是星光伴我心。从英文译过来昰天堂影院。电影描术一个西西里的小男孩梦想做大尿演。西西里是不是很像神的石头国?神的国便是天堂。号外有一部电影叫地狱鞋根-玛利姬儿的大斗 发。电影描术两间公司拼命地争顾客。Puglia,意大利的脚跟昰不是新世界的1字?他们要做一哥啊。
我想问你几个问题。你会想到西西里的天堂影院子或是到Puglia的地狱鞋跟? 你要圣灵之火或是地之火?你会选择到Sardegna,,在西西里左面的一号天堂岛或是到Puglia的地狱王国?选择权在你。我认识耶稣并会移民西西里。我们一起侍奉神吧。衪会把我们被提到天堂,免去敌基督时代的大灾难。

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