And I mean it from the bottom of my heart God called Samuel, a prophet of Israel in the old testament when he was still a child. Samuel did not know that it was God who called him. But he began to listen to God's voice. Friend, you too can listen to God's voice. The reason we cannot hear Him is because sin separates us from Him. Before the fall, Adam and Eve, they talked to God and lived in communion with them. After having eaten the fruit that enabled them to know between good and evil, they turned away from God and lived independently from God. This is why people make their own decisions. They were born, go to school, get a job, get married and eventually die. They do not know why they came to this world. In fact, God loves us and wants to be with us now and for all of eternity. We can walk with God and live our lives together with Him just by accepting Him as our savior and asking His Holy Spirit to live within us. Our relationship with Him is restored. We can use our talents to serve Him and let more people know about Him. Will you answer His call? 來電顯示-我愛你 Betty Boop 是一個卡通人物。她是在1930年大簫條時代出生的。那時候在美國和世界各地很多人失業。Betty Boop的卡通片為很多人带來歡笑。現在全球經濟低迷。景況比大簫條更差。我畫的Betty Boop也許带給你歡樂。 Betty 正在聽電話。電話傳出Stevie Wonder 的歌「I just call to say I love you」。神也要跟愁苦的人說我愛你。 我致電說我愛你 我很關心你 我致電說我愛你 我從心底說我愛你 撒母意是以色列的一個先知。神在他還是孩童時已經呼召他。撒母耳初時不懂得聽神的聲音。後來他開始懂了。朋友,你也可以聽神的聲音。我們聽不到衪的聲音是因為我們犯罪。我們與神分隔。阿當和夏娃犯罪前,他們與神同行和跟神說話。他們吃了禁果後,他們能分别善惡,便離開神。所以我們獨立生活,不依靠神。我們來到這個世界,讀書,投身社會,結婚,最終離開這個世界。很多人也不知為何來到這個世界。神欲愛我們。祂想永遠跟我們相交。我們可以與神同行。我們只須接受耶穌為救主並求聖靈充滿。那麽我們便與神和好。我們可以用神給我們的恩賜來傳福音。你會接受神為救主嗎?
A collection of Christian art to light up your world.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
I just called to say I love you (來電顯示-我愛你)
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Land Flowing with Milk and Honey (迦南美地)
I’ve kinda felt bored at my job lately. There is not too much job satisfaction. Some people may think that I should count myself lucky to have a job in this terrible economy. But I would like to be more fulfilled at work and have more opportunities. My situation is like the Israelites facing the river Jordan at flood stage, not able to cross over to the land flowing with milk and honey that God has promised them (Book of Joshua). By faith, I am moving into my destiny. I believe God has given me talent in art and languages. So I am painting and writing articles for evangelism. I would also like to make paintings for children so they will understand more above the love of God for them. Sports ministry is also my thing. I expect God to dry up my river Jordan and guide me to move into my land of opportunities. When there are opportunities, there will also be obstacles. God made Jericho and many other strongholds fall as the Israelites conquer the land of Canaan.
So I expect God to make my Jericho fall as I move into my destiny. I just have to persevere.
Some people just like to live their own lives and their destiny in their own hands. Forget about God and his plans for me.
But they are really missing the greatest treasure in life, which is Jesus. Living for Him and serving Him with our talents can be so fulfilling.
You too can ask God to give you your land flowing with milk and honey, dry up your river Jordan and make your Jericho fall. Come on, move into your destiny with God.
我最近覺得工作沉悶,沒有什麼滿足感。你也許覺得現在世界艱難,有工作已很幸運。但我真想多一些滿足感和多一些機會。我的景況就好像以色列人來到約但河不能去到神應許他們的迦南美地(約書亞記)。我憑信心進入神對我的計劃。神給了我繪畫和語言的天份。我喜歡透過繪畫和寫作來傳福音。我希望透過繪畫使小朋友更明白神的愛。體育事工也是我杯茶。我期待神把我的約但河變成乾地和帶領我進入迦南美地。有機會亦有困難。當以色列人進入迦南美地時,神今耶利哥和很多營壘 倒下。當我進入神的計劃時,我相信衪會使我的耶利哥倒下。我要加油。
我最近觉得工作沉闷,没有什么满足感。你也许觉得现在世界艰难,有工作已很幸运。但我真想多一些满足感和多一些机会。我的景况就好像以色列人来到约但河不能去到神应许他们的迦南美地(乔舒亚记)。我凭信心进入神对我的计划。神给了我绘画和语言的天份。我喜欢透过绘画和写作来传福音。我希望透过绘画使小朋友更明白神的爱。体育事工也是我杯茶。我期待神把我的约但河变成干地和带领我进入迦南美地。有机会亦有困难。当以色列人进入迦南美地时,神今耶利哥和很多营垒 倒下。当我进入神的计划时,我相信衪会使我的耶利哥倒下。我要加油。
Monday, January 7, 2013
Bridge Over Troubled Water (惡水上的大橋)
When you're weary
Feeling small
When tears are in your eyes
I will dry them all
I'm on your side
When times get rough
And friends just can't be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
When you're down and out
When you're on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you
I'll take your part
When darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Sail on Silver Girl
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way
See how they shine
If you need a friend
I'm sailing right behind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind In the midst of chaos in the world, I feel the Lord impressing upon me to paint 'Bridge over troubled water'. Many people are feeling weary in the world because of war, economic crisis and unemployment. Times are tough, and some people in the US are even down and out on the street. I think the Lord is telling me that he is the bridge over troubled water. In the bible, water is used to depict trouble. Those who are downcast can lie down on the bridge. God will comfort us. Matthew 11:28-30 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Jesus is the bridge between us and the father. He died on the cross for us, sinners. So when we accept Him as our savior, we have access to the Father. When darkness and pain are all around, we can come to the light of the bridge. Jesus is the light of the world. After we cross the bridge, we can sail on towards our dream with Jesus sailing right behind us. He brightens up our world as He promises to prosper us and give us hope and a future. He has good plans for us. We can bring more people to come to know Him by using our talents. We can find satisfaction and fulfillment when we serve God using our talent. We need to look beyond the current crisis in the world and look forward to the day when many people come to heaven because of our efforts. Jesus also looked beyond His suffering on earth and focused on the joy set before Him in heaven. Hebrews 12:1-3 And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. May you find your bridge over troubled water and sail on towards the dream that God has placed in your heart. 惡水上的大橋 當你感到疲累與渺小(卑微) 當眼淚在你的眼中 我將拭乾它們 我就在你身旁,當世局艱難 而朋友難尋 像橫跨在惡水上的大橋 我將伏下(幫助你走過) 像橫跨在惡水上的大橋 我將伏下(幫助你走過) 當你感到失落,不被接納 當你流落街頭 當夜色深沈 我會安慰你 為你切憂解勞 當黑暗來臨,苦難遍地 像惡水上的大橋 我將伏下(幫助你走過) 像惡水上的大橋 我將伏下(幫助你走過) 啟航吧,向前航 你的時代即將大放光芒 所有的夢想都已啟程 看,它們多麼耀眼 如果你需要一個朋友 我就航行在你身後 像惡水上的大橋 我將伏下 像惡水上的大橋 我將伏下 現時世局艱難,我覺得神想我畫「惡水上的大橋」。跟多人也許因為戰爭,經濟危機和失業的原故而覺得疲倦。世界真是很艱難,有些美國人更無家可歸。神跟我說衪是惡水上的大橋。聖經很多時用水來形容麻煩。困苦的人可俯伏在大橋上。神會安慰我們 。 馬 太 福 音 11:28-30 28 凡 勞 苦 擔 重 擔 的 人 可 以 到 我 這 裡 來 , 我 就 使 你 們 得 安 息 。 29 我 心 裡 柔 和 謙 卑 , 你 們 當 負 我 的 軛 , 學 我 的 樣 式 ; 這 樣 , 你 們 心 裡耶 就 必 得 享 安 息 。 30 因 為 我 的 軛 是 容 易 的 , 我 的 擔 子 是 輕 省 的 。 耶穌是我們和天父的橋樑。祂在十字架為我們的罪而死。當我們接受衪為我們的救主,我們可親近天父。 當夜色深沈,我們看到橋上的光。耶穌是世界之光。我們過了橋後不是抽板,而是向着夢想啓程。耶穌在我們身後航行。祂光照我們和紿我們一個有盼望的將來。衪給我們美好的計劃。我們可用衪給我們的才能來帶他人信主。當我們用我們的才能來侍奉衪時,我們會很有滿足感。我們不應只看眼前的困景,而要展望有一天到天堂的喜悅。那時侯我們會見到很多人在天堂。這也昰我們努力的成果。耶穌也因那擺在前面的喜樂而輕看羞辱。 希 伯 來 書 12:1-3 當 放 下 各 樣 的 重 擔 , 脫 去 容 易 纏 累 我 們 的 罪 , 存 心 忍 耐 , 奔 那 擺 在 我 們 前 頭 的 路 程 , 2 仰 望 為 我 們 信 心 創 始 成 終 的 耶 穌 ( 或 作 : 仰 望 那 將 真 道 創 始 成 終 的 耶 穌 ) 。 他 因 那 擺 在 前 面 的 喜 樂 , 就 輕 看 羞 辱 , 忍 受 了 十 字 架 的 苦 難 , 便 坐 在 神 寶 座 的 右 邊 。 願你找到惡水上的大橋並朝着神放在你心裏的夢想航行。 恶水上的大桥 当你感到疲累与渺小(卑微) 当眼泪在你的眼中 我将拭干它们 我就在你身旁,当世局艰难 而朋友难寻 像横跨在恶水上的大桥 我将伏下(帮助你走过) 像横跨在恶水上的大桥 我将伏下(帮助你走过) 当你感到失落,不被接纳 当你流落街头 当夜色深沈 我会安慰你 为你切忧解劳 当黑暗来临,苦难遍地 像恶水上的大桥 我将伏下(帮助你走过) 像恶水上的大桥 我将伏下(帮助你走过) 启航吧,向前航 你的时代即将大放光芒 所有的梦想都已启程 看,它们多么耀眼 如果你需要一个朋友 我就航行在你身后 像恶水上的大桥 我将伏下 像恶水上的大桥 我将伏下 现时世局艰难,我觉得神想我画「恶水上的大桥」。跟多人也许因为战争,经济危机和失业的原故而觉得疲倦。世界真是很艰难,有些美国人更无家可归。神跟我说衪是恶水上的大桥。圣经很多时用水来形容麻烦。困苦的人可俯伏在大桥上。神会安慰我们 。 马 太 福 音 11:28-30 28 凡 劳 苦 担 重 担 的 人 可 以 到 我 这 里 来 , 我 就 使 你 们 得 安 息 。 29 我 心 里 柔 和 谦 卑 , 你 们 当 负 我 的 轭 , 学 我 的 样 式 ; 这 样 , 你 们 心 里耶 就 必 得 享 安 息 。 30 因 为 我 的 轭 是 容 易 的 , 我 的 担 子 是 轻 省 的 。 耶稣是我们和天父的桥梁。祂在十字架为我们的罪而死。当我们接受衪为我们的救主,我们可亲近天父。 当夜色深沈,我们看到桥上的光。耶稣是世界之光。我们过了桥后不是抽板,而是向着梦想启程。耶稣在我们身后航行。祂光照我们和绐我们一个有盼望的将来。衪给我们美好的计划。我们可用衪给我们的才能来带他人信主。当我们用我们的才能来侍奉衪时,我们会很有满足感。我们不应只看眼前的困景,而要展望有一天到天堂的喜悦。那时侯我们会见到很多人在天堂。这也昰我们努力的成果。耶稣也因那摆在前面的喜乐而轻看羞辱。 希 伯 来 书 12:1-3 当 放 下 各 样 的 重 担 , 脱 去 容 易 缠 累 我 们 的 罪 , 存 心 忍 耐 , 奔 那 摆 在 我 们 前 头 的 路 程 , 2 仰 望 为 我 们 信 心 创 始 成 终 的 耶 稣 ( 或 作 : 仰 望 那 将 真 道 创 始 成 终 的 耶 稣 ) 。 他 因 那 摆 在 前 面 的 喜 乐 , 就 轻 看 羞 辱 , 忍 受 了 十 字 架 的 苦 难 , 便 坐 在 神 宝 座 的 右 边 。 愿你找到恶水上的大桥并朝着神放在你心里的梦想航行。
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