A collection of Christian art to light up your world.

Friday, April 20, 2012

La France – Rouge, Blanc, Bleu ; Paris – la Ville de Lumière; France – Red, White Blue; Paris – City of Light ; 法国 - 红白蓝;巴黎 - 光明之都

I felt the Lord was leading me to proclaim the destiny of France, a nation that I love. The flag of France consists of 3 colours – red, white and blue. The Lord is saying that He has redeemed France by His blood which is red as we all know : ) The sins of the nation have been washed away and the French can stand in front of God’s throne in the book of Revelation, wearing white robe, a symbol of righteousness. Blue symbolizes heaven which is blue. This means this great nation will be eternally with God.
On 14 July, the national day of France, there is always a Patrouille de France, an aerobatic demonstration of the French Air Force in Paris. The aircrafts leave trails of red, white and blue vapor in the sky. The aircrafts symbolize freedom. The French truly love freedom. The national motto of France is Liberté, égalité, fraternité, it means Liberty, equality and fraternity (brotherhood). But true freedom does not mean doing whatever one wants. The Lord wants the French to have freedom in Christ (i.e. to put away the old sinful nature). This is true freedom.
La tour Eiffel, the Eiffel tower is the icon of Paris. I have put gold dots on the Eiffel tower. This means that French people will be with God forever in the streets of gold of the New Jeruslam in Revelation. Paris is also called the City of Light, the gold dots also symbolize light. May the French live as children of light. God is light, there is no darkness in Him.
Red, white, blue and golden hearts fill the sky of Paris. May the French know the everlasting love of Jesus.
神感动我宣告衪对法国的期望。我很喜爱法国,这个可爱的国家 : ) 法国的国旗有三种颜色 - 红白蓝。主说衪已用自己的宝血(红色)救赎了法国。羔羊(耶稣) 的宝血已洗净了法国的罪。法国人将会在羔羊的宝坐前(启示录)穿上白色的衣裳(象征公义) 。蓝色象征天堂。这个伟大的国家将会永远跟神在一起。
每年法国的国庆(七月十四日) 、法国巡逻兵飞行表演队一定会在巴黎上空作飞行表演。飞机会在天空上留下红白蓝的水蒸气。飞机象征自由。法国人极响往自由。自由、平等、博爱是法国的国家格言。真正的自由不是想做就去做。主希望法国人能脱离旧有的罪性,活在基督的自由裹。这是真的自由。