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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Timeline of the Last Days (世界末日的事件)

Dear friend,
Here is a brief summary about the events that will take place at the end of the world before Jesus’ second coming. I would like to share this information with you.
Increase of “signs” of the last days as described in Matt. 24—the birth pangs, wars, famines, earthquakes, false prophets, false Christ, sun and moon darkened, stars fall from the sky
Battle of Gog and Magog--nations (Iran, Russia, Ethiopia) rise up against Israel but are destroyed [Ezekiel 36-38]
Second coming of Jesus and rapture of the Church (like a thief)
(2 parts: the dead in Christ rise first, then those living on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to be with Jesus forever)
In heaven, crowns and rewards are given to the Church, the bride of Christ, who has loved God and proven herself faithful. Unbelievers will be left behind on earth [I Thess. 4:13-18, 5:1-9, Matt. 24:40-42 Pls refer to fiction http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Behind Of course, the rapture is not a fiction but a reality : )
Matthew 24:37-41
37As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
By the way, I am volunteering in Noah’s ark.now. http://www.noahsark.com.hk/eng/index.php
The Tribulation begins, a 7-year period (God’s dealing with nation of Israel +judgment of the wicked world) [Daniel 9:27, Matt. 24:21-22, Revelation 6-19]
Tribulation Events:
Beginning/early Tribulation
• Peaceful appearance of antichrist (World Ruler of the one world government) [Daniel 8:23-25, 11:21]
• Israel makes a 7-year covenant with antichrist, believing that he is messiah and they rebuild the temple in Jerusalem [Daniel 9:27]
• God’s judgments in the form of terrible natural catastrophes begin [Rev. 6]
• Great numbers truly turn to God; persecution and martyrdom of believers increase [Rev. 6:9-11, 7:9-17]
• Wickedness and rebellion increase [2 Thess 2:3, 7-8]
• The “2 witnesses” begin to testify to the world [Zechariah 4:11-14, Rev. 11:3-12]
Middle of the Tribulation(3 ½ years)
• Huge number martyred in first half of Tribulation is now seen in heaven—martyrdom their only way to make it to heaven [see earlier note]
• Special group of 144,000 Jews “sealed” to preach the “Kingdom Gospel” [Rev. 7:1-8, also chapter 14]
• Antichrist killed but miraculously resurrected, now indwelled by Satan [Rev. 13]
• Image of the antichrist put in the temple; the false prophet brings it to life, performs other miracles, and commands people to worship the image/antichrist [Rev. 13:14-15] • The 2 witnesses are killed but resurrected after 3 days and taken to heaven [see earlier note]
• Antichrist’s true identity is now revealed [Rev. 13:1-8, now called the Beast, see also Daniel 7]
• Israel breaks the covenant with antichrist, realizing he is not messiah [Dan. 9:27, 11:31-32]
• Most are deceived and worship antichrist as God [2 Thess. 2:9-10, Rev. 13:8]
• Antichrist – 666 will He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the The Most High. He will proclaim to be God. (Daniel 11 36-39)
• 666 - “The Mark of the Beast” (a microchip implanted on the forehead or the right hand, no one can buy or sell without it ) begins, along with domination of world political and religious system (Satan + antichrist + false prophet are the Satanic trinity. Satan tries to copy the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, Holy Spirit. How ridiculous.)[Rev. 13:16-18]
• Rejection of 666 (the number of the name of Antichrist) brings death [see Rev. 13]
• Rebellion and wickedness intensify; God’s terrible judgments intensify [Rev. 9:20-21]
In the last 3 ½ years 144,000 continue to preach, many Jews turn to God, many are beheaded for their refusal to take the mark of the Beast [Jeremiah 30:7, Rev. 20:4]
God’s judgments continue and become more intense—demons released from the bottomless pit [Rev. 9:1, 13, 14:6]
The 10 Kings come to power on earth—Old Roman Empire (USA) – 7he 7th world empire[Rev. 17:12-14, see also Daniel 7, Daniel 2], along with Antichrist, the 8tth ruler which belongs to the 7th empire (Rev 17:10-11, Daniel 11:36-45, Daniel 12:1-11) They form a one world government that rules the world.
The false religious system (a One world religion unites all faiths on earth) in Rome which have 7 hills (referred as 7 heads), “Babylon the Great” destroyed—with antichrist approval [Rev. 17-18]
I call this the 7-11 Maxi Co (7 heads 10 kings +1 antichrist ruling the whole world)
End of Tribulation:
• Beast and armies of the world rise up to battle God—the great battle of Armageddon [Rev. 16:14, 16] The Lord’s feet will stand on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4), and He will he will bring down all his enemies in the valley of Jehoshaphat. (Joel 3:2)
• Christ comes in the clouds with heaven’s armies—every eye sees Him—and completely defeats the enemy [Rev. 1:7, 19:11-19]
• Beast and false prophet thrown into lake of fire forever [Rev. 19:20]
• Satan (or the dragon) thrown into the Abyss for 1000 years [Rev. 20:1-3]
Millennium begins—1000 years of Christ’s earthly reign (saints reign with Him)[Rev. 20:4, Zechariah 14:9, Isaiah 11:1-10, Daniel 2:44-45, Daniel 7:22,26,27, Daniel 12:12,13]
Satan released to tempt the world a final time—final rebellion against God as nations are deceived and follow Satan. Destroyed by fire coming from God. [Rev. 20:7-9]
Satan cast forever into the lake of fire [Rev. 20:10]
The Great White Throne Judgment—the final resurrection and judgment of mankind—books and the Lamb’s Book of Life are opened. All not found in Lamb’s book cast forever into lake of fire. [Rev. 20:11-15]
Eternity beginsGod destroys/renews the old heaven and earth with fire, creates the new heaven and earth where all who have chosen Him will live eternally with Him. [2 Peter 3:10-13, Rev. 21:1-3]
Have you chosen Jesus as your personal savior and become a born again, Spirit filled Christian?
Being a Christian is not about church membership or baby christening, but making Jesus your first love and obeying the gospel.
Have you made Jesus your first love, rather than the world?
Have you decided to follow Jesus and obey his commandments? Is He lord over your life?
There really isn’t a better way than to live like Jesus on earth, even though you may be persecuted for your faith, and you can no longer do whatever you like to do according to your flesh, the old self. But God does promise us that He will make us like His Son, give us a meaningful and abundant life and eternal life and glorious riches in heaven where they may be no more sorrow. It is great turning back to Jesus and obeying Him because this is the whole duty of men. And He looks after our soul as a Shepherd looking after his sheep so they are no longer lost. Besides, there is treasure in His word. Friend ,if you know that you are going to heaven which is a much better place than this stinking world, wouldn’t you want to invite your family and friends and even strangers to a better eternal home? God also will fulfill His purpose for us, as He has a plan for each of his sheep. We only find meaning in life when we serve God according to his design for us. Life is more than struggling to make a living, having and breaking off relationships and seeking after pleasure. You will only be satisfied when you seek Jesus, our joy, in truth.
The global financial crisis is probably a blessing in disguise as people no longer have to work according to the game rules of the casino. It’s much easier to be a Christian now as there is no more work to do in this casino that is permanently shut down. Alleluia. Friend, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and He will take care of all your needs. (Matthew 6:33) 6Godliness with contentment is great gain. 7For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. (1 Timothy 6:6-7)
Friend, the window for getting saved before the 7/ll Maxi Co appears on earth during the Great Tribulation is indeed very short. The church age will end very soon. Please accept Jesus and start serving Him before it is too late. World War 3 is about to start in the Middle East. Some people may die straight away without Christ for all eternity. Some may have to become a martyr in order to get saved. All who turn to Christ during the Great Tribulation will be killed in order to get to heaven. It is like the Nazi almost exterminating almost all the Jews in the holocaust in World War II.
You can find further information about the Last Days event in the following websites There are also some good bible resources if you would like to learn more about God’s word.
http://mikebickle.org/ End Times and Eternity
May God bless you abundantly.
日頭就變黑了,月亮也不放光,眾星要從天上墜落,天勢都要震動。 有好些人冒耶穌的名來,說:我是基督,並且要迷惑許多人。民要攻打民,國要攻打國;多處必 有饑荒、地震。這都是災難的起頭。(馬太福音24)
瑪各地的歌革羅施、米設、土巴的王 (伊朗, 俄羅斯, 埃塞俄比亞)與以色列争戰, 但前者被打敗。
主耶穌第二次再臨到世界及教會被提到空中與主相聚 (這日的來臨好像賊來一樣)(死去的基督徒首先復活, 然後在地上的基督徒被提到空中與主永遠同在。) 在天堂裏,神會獎賞教會,即是基督的新婦。教會在地上愛神及服待主。不信主的人會留在地上。(帖撒羅尼迦前書1 4:13-18, 5:1-9, 馬太福音 24:40-42) 請參閱 ‘末日迷蹤’的末世小說http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Behind. 被提當然不是小說, 而是真實的。
七年的大災難開始神開始使以色列國信主耶穌得救及審判這邪惡的世界。(但以理9:27, 馬太福音24:21-22, 啓示錄6-19)
7 挪亞的日子怎樣,人子降臨也要怎樣。38當洪水以前的日子,人照常吃喝嫁娶,直到挪亞進方舟的那日; 39不知不覺洪水來了,把他們全都沖去。人子降臨也要這樣。40 那時,兩個人在田裡,取去一個,撇下一個。
七年大災難的事件神將會用大災難使以色列回轉向衪。神亦將會審判這個邪惡的世界。(但以理 9:27, 馬太福音24:21-22, 啓示錄 6-19)
 敵基督以和平之君亮相。敵基督是世界政府的首領。(但以理 8:23-25, 11:21]
 以色列與敵基督立下七年的盟約。以色列相信敵基督是彌賽亞。以色列和敵基督重建路撒冷的聖殿。(但以理8:23-25, 11:21)
 神對整個世界的審判開始。全球會有浩劫。(啓示錄6)
 很多人會轉向基督並且殉教。(啓示錄6:9-11, 7:9-17)
 世界更加邪惡,人們更加叛逆神 (帖撒羅尼迦後書2:3,7-8)
 兩個見證人向世界傳道。(撒迦利亞4:11-14, 啓示錄11:3-12)
 無數人在大災難三年半初期現在住在天堂。他們只可以殉教才能進入天堂。
 以色列人各支派中受神印的數目有十四萬四千。他們傳揚天國的福音。(啓示錄7:1-8, 14)
 敵基督被殺,但他將復活。撒但現在住在他裏面。(啓示錄13)
 敵基督的像放在聖殿。假先知叫獸像有生氣,並且能說話。他又行大 奇事和命令人們敬拜獸(敵基督)的像。(啓示錄13:14-15)
 兩個見證人被敵基督所殺,三天後復活及升天。
 人們現在知道敵基督的真面目。(啓示錄13:1-8) 敵基督便是那獸。(但以理7)
 以色列跟敵基督中斷盟約。他們終於知道他不是彌賽亞。(但以理9:27, 11:31-32)
 大部份人被迷惑和敬拜敵基督。他們以為他是神。(帖撒羅尼迦後書2:9-10, (啓示錄13:8)
 敵基督的數目是666。他會自稱為神。(但以理11:36-39)
 人們會被迫接受獸印。他又叫眾人,無論大小、貧富、自主的、為奴 的 ,都在右手上或是在額上接受一牌晶片。人們一定要植入晶片才可以買賣。世界政府及世界宗教正開始。撒但,敵基督和假先知就是扮神。神是三位一體的。(啓示錄13:16-18)
 人們若拒絕接受獸印, 即是敵基督的各的數目,便會被殺。(啓示錄9:20-21)
在三年半過後 144,000猶太人繼續傳福音。很多猶太人會回轉向神。很多人會被斬首。(耶尼米書30:7, 啓示錄20:4)
神繼續審判世人,災難加劇。邪靈滿佈地上。(啓示錄9:1, 13,14:6)
十個君王在地上執掌王權。舊羅馬帝國是第七個管治整個世界的王國。這便是美國的新世界政府。(啓示錄 17:12-14, 但以理7, 但以理2) 敵基督是第八個世界領袖, 敵基督和十個君王來自同一個體系。(啓示錄17:10-11, 但以理11:36-45, 但以理12:1-11)。他們統治整個世界。
假的宗教團體設在羅馬 , 梵蒂岡( ﹣在啓示錄提及的七頭)。這個世界宗教把世上所有宗教集中在一起。敵基督命令毀滅巴比倫大城,即是那假的宗教團體。(啓示錄17-18)
我說笑這是7/11 Maxi Co。(七頭,十王及敵督)
 獸和世界軍隊與神在哈米吉多頓爭戰。(啓示錄16:14,16) 神的腳必站在 耶路撒冷前面朝東的橄欖山上。神要聚集衪的仇敵,帶他們下到約沙法谷, 在那裡施行審判。(約珥書3:2)
 基督與衪的軍隊從雲層來到世界。世人到看見主的來臨。衪完全打敗衪的仇敵。(啓示錄1:7, 19:11-19)
 獸和假先知被擒拿。他們兩個就活活的被扔在燒著硫磺的火湖裡。(啓示錄19:20)
 一位天使從天降下,手裡拿著無底坑的鑰匙和一條大鍊子。 他捉住那龍,就是古蛇,又叫魔鬼,也叫撒但,把他捆綁一千年。(啓示錄20:1-3)
聖徒與基督一同在地上作王一千年。(啓示錄20:4, 撒迦利亞14:9, 以賽亞書11:1-10, 但以理2:44-45, 但以理7:22,26,27, 但以理:12:12,13)
那一千年完了,撒但必從監牢裡被釋放,出來要迷惑地上四方的列國,就是歌革 和瑪各,叫他們聚集爭戰。他們的人數多如海沙。他們上來遍滿了全地,圍住聖 徒的營與蒙愛的城,就有火從天降下,燒滅了他們。(啓示錄20:7-9)
那迷惑他們的魔鬼被扔在硫磺的火湖裡,就是獸和假先知所在的地方。他們必晝 夜受痛苦,直到永永遠遠。(啓示錄20:10)
神在大寶座與坐在上面的審判死了的人。若有人名字沒記在生命冊上,他就被扔 在火湖裡。是第二次的死。(啓示錄20:11-15)
永恆的時代開始。神用火消滅舊的天與地。衪創造新天地。聖徒永遠與神同在(彼德後書:3:10-13, 啓示錄21:1-3)
你有沒有接受耶穌為你的救主? 你有沒有成為重生及充滿聖靈的基督徒?
我們在世上活出基督的生命是最好不過的。你們也許會因為你的信仰受迫害。你不能再跟縱舊我和肉體活着。神會使我們的性情跟耶穌一樣。衪會踢你們一個豐盛的人生,永生及在天國的榮耀。你們須回轉向神和服從衪的誡命,這是人的責任。耶穌是好牧人, 衪看顧我們的靈魂和尋找迷失的羊。親愛的朋友,當你們知道神會接你們到極為美好的天家,你們也會邀請你們的親朋戚友,甚至陌生人到一個比地上好得多的家鄉嗎?神對衪每一個兒女也有一個計劃,衪使我們生命更有意思。我們在世不只是為了糊口, 追求伴侶, 或追求向樂。我們要追求神,生命的活水才不再渴。
環球金融危機也許是一個反面的祝福。人們不再為了糊口而作一些不正確的事情。也許現在是一個信主的大好機會因為金融這行業已到尾聲。朋友們,你們須知到先求神的國和義,衪會供給你們一切所需的。(馬太福音 6:33) 6 然而,敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了;7 因為我們沒有帶甚麼到世上來,也不能帶甚麼去。(提摩太前書6:6-7)
朋友們,大災難及7/11 MaxiCo: ) 即是世界政府很快便來了。教會很快便來了。請盡做信主及服侍衪。第三次世界大戰很快便在中東開始。有許多人會很快便會失去生命和靈魂。其他人在七年大災難要殉教可進入天堂。這好像猶太人在第二次大戰便清洗一樣, 這次便臨到在大災難才信主的人和對主不冷不熱的所謂基督徒。
http://mikebickle.org/ End Times and Eternity
林嘉善 (Cindy Lam) 上
日头就变黑了,月亮也不放光,众星要从天上坠落,天势都要震动。 有好些人冒耶稣的名来,说:我是基督,并且要迷惑许多人。民要攻打民,国要攻打国;多处必 有饥荒、地震。这都是灾难的起头。(马太福音24)
玛各地的歌革罗施、米设、土巴的王 (伊朗, 俄罗斯, 埃塞俄比亚)与以色列争战, 但前者被打败。
主耶稣第二次再临到世界及教会被提到空中与主相聚 (这日的来临好像贼来一样)(死去的基督徒首先复活, 然后在地上的基督徒被提到空中与主永远同在。) 在天堂里,神会奖赏教会,即是基督的新妇。教会在地上爱神及服待主。不信主的人会留在地上。(帖撒罗尼迦前书1 4:13-18, 5:1-9, 马太福音 24:40-42) 请参阅 ‘末日迷踪’的末世小说http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Behind. 被提当然不是小说, 而是真实的。
七年的大灾难开始。神开始使以色列国信主耶稣得救及审判这邪恶的世界。(但以理9:27, 马太福音24:21-22, 启示录6-19)
7 挪亚的日子怎样,人子降临也要怎样。38当洪水以前的日子,人照常吃喝嫁娶,直到挪亚进方舟的那日; 39不知不觉洪水来了,把他们全都冲去。人子降临也要这样。40 那时,两个人在田里,取去一个,撇下一个。
七年大灾难的事件: (神将会用大灾难使以色列回转向衪。神亦将会审判这个邪恶的世界。(但以理 9:27, 马太福音24:21-22, 启示录 6-19)
 敌基督以和平之君亮相。敌基督是世界政府的首领。(但以理 8:23-25, 11:21]
 以色列与敌基督立下七年的盟约。以色列相信敌基督是弥赛亚。以色列和敌基督重建路撒冷的圣殿。(但以理8:23-25, 11:21)
 神对整个世界的审判开始。全球会有浩劫。(启示录6)
 很多人会转向基督并且殉教。(启示录6:9-11, 7:9-17)
 世界更加邪恶,人们更加叛逆神 (帖撒罗尼迦后书2:3,7-8)
 两个见证人向世界传道。(撒迦利亚4:11-14, 启示录11:3-12)
 无数人在大灾难三年半初期现在住在天堂。他们只可以殉教才能进入天堂。
 以色列人各支派中受神印的数目有十四万四千。他们传扬天国的福音。(启示录7:1-8, 14)
 敌基督被杀,但他将复活。撒但现在住在他里面。(启示录13)
 敌基督的像放在圣殿。假先知叫兽像有生气,并且能说话。他又行大 奇事和命令人们敬拜兽(敌基督)的像。(启示录13:14-15)
 两个见证人被敌基督所杀,三天后复活及升天。
 人们现在知道敌基督的真面目。(启示录13:1-8) 敌基督便是那兽。(但以理7)
 以色列跟敌基督中断盟约。他们终于知道他不是弥赛亚。(但以理9:27, 11:31-32)
 大部份人被迷惑和敬拜敌基督。他们以为他是神。(帖撒罗尼迦后书2:9-10, (启示录13:8)
 敌基督的数目是666。他会自称为神。(但以理11:36-39)
 人们会被迫接受兽印。他又叫众人,无论大小、贫富、自主的、为奴 的 ,都在右手上或是在额上接受一牌芯片。人们一定要植入芯片才可以买卖。世界政府及世界宗教正开始。撒但,敌基督和假先知就是扮神。神是三位一体的。(启示录13:16-18)
 人们若拒绝接受兽印, 即是敌基督的各的数目,便会被杀。(启示录9:20-21)
在三年半过后, 144,000犹太人继续传福音。很多犹太人会回转向神。很多人会被斩首。(耶尼米书30:7, 启示录20:4)
神继续审判世人,灾难加剧。邪灵满布地上。(启示录9:1, 13,14:6)
十个君王在地上执掌王权。旧罗马帝国是第七个管治整个世界的王国。这便是美国的新世界政府。(启示录 17:12-14, 但以理7, 但以理2) 敌基督是第八个世界领袖, 敌基督和十个君王来自同一个体系。(启示录17:10-11, 但以理11:36-45, 但以理12:1-11)。他们统治整个世界。
假的宗教团体设在罗马 , 梵蒂冈( ﹣在启示录提及的七头)。这个世界宗教把世上所有宗教集中在一起。敌基督命令毁灭巴比伦大城,即是那假的宗教团体。(启示录17-18)
我说笑这是7/11 Maxi Co。(七头,十王及敌督)
 兽和世界军队与神在哈米吉多顿争战。(启示录16:14,16) 神的脚必站在 耶路撒冷前面朝东的橄榄山上。神要聚集衪的仇敌,带他们下到约沙法谷, 在那里施行审判。(约珥书3:2)
 基督与衪的军队从云层来到世界。世人到看见主的来临。衪完全打败衪的仇敌。(启示录1:7, 19:11-19)
 兽和假先知被擒拿。他们两个就活活的被扔在烧着硫磺的火湖里。(启示录19:20
 一位天使从天降下,手里拿着无底坑的钥匙和一条大链子。 他捉住那龙,就是古蛇,又叫魔鬼,也叫撒但,把他捆绑一千年。(启示录20:1-3)
圣徒与基督一同在地上作王一千年。(启示录20:4, 撒迦利亚14:9, 以赛亚书11:1-10, 但以理2:44-45, 但以理7:22,26,27, 但以理:12:12,13)
那一千年完了,撒但必从监牢里被释放,出来要迷惑地上四方的列国,就是歌革 和玛各,叫他们聚集争战。他们的人数多如海沙。他们上来遍满了全地,围住圣 徒的营与蒙爱的城,就有火从天降下,烧灭了他们。(启示录20:7-9)
那迷惑他们的魔鬼被扔在硫磺的火湖里,就是兽和假先知所在的地方。他们必昼 夜受痛苦,直到永永远远。(启示录20:10)
神在大宝座与坐在上面的审判死了的人。若有人名字没记在生命册上,他就被扔 在火湖里。是第二次的死。(启示录20:11-15)
永恒的时代开始。神用火消灭旧的天与地。衪创造新天地。圣徒永远与神同在(彼德后书:3:10-13, 启示录21:1-3)
你有没有接受耶稣为你的救主? 你有没有成为重生及充满圣灵的基督徒?
我们在世上活出基督的生命是最好不过的。你们也许会因为你的信仰受迫害。你不能再跟纵旧我和肉体活着。神会使我们的性情跟耶稣一样。衪会踢你们一个丰盛的人生,永生及在天国的荣耀。你们须回转向神和服从衪的诫命,这是人的责任。耶稣是好牧人, 衪看顾我们的灵魂和寻找迷失的羊。亲爱的朋友,当你们知道神会接你们到极为美好的天家,你们也会邀请你们的亲朋戚友,甚至陌生人到一个比地上好得多的家乡吗?神对衪每一个儿女也有一个计划,衪使我们生命更有意思。我们在世不只是为了糊口, 追求伴侣, 或追求向乐。我们要追求神,生命的活水才不再渴。
环球金融危机也许是一个反面的祝福。人们不再为了糊口而作一些不正确的事情。也许现在是一个信主的大好机会因为金融这行业已到尾声。朋友们,你们须知到先求神的国和义,衪会供给你们一切所需的。(马太福音 6:33) 6 然而,敬虔加上知足的心便是大利了;7 因为我们没有带甚么到世上来,也不能带甚么去。 (提摩太前书6:6-7)
朋友们,大灾难及7/11 MaxiCo: ) 即是世界政府很快便来了。教会很快便来了。请尽做信主及服侍衪。第三次世界大战很快便在中东开始。有许多人会很快便会失去生命和灵魂。其它人在七年大灾难要殉教可进入天堂。这好像犹太人在第二次大战便清洗一样, 这次便临到在大灾难才信主的人和对主不冷不热的所谓基督徒。
http://mikebickle.org/ End Times and Eternity
林嘉善 (Cindy Lam) 上

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Italy - Red, White, Green (意大利 - 紅, 白, 綠)

In my other painting, France red white blue , I said that the Lord impressed upon me that the colour red of the French flag symbolizes the blood of Jesus which washes away the sins of the nation. White means that the nation is clean in God's sight. Blue means that the destiny of the nation is heaven.
In this painting, Italy red white green. the colour red of the Italian flag also means that the blood of Jesus washes away the sins of the nation. White means the nation is clean in God's sight. Green means that the nation has a go ahead to heaven.
Italy is now a nation in Europe. It used to be the Roman empire, the great world empire. Jesus was crucified by the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, in Jerusalem. After the resurrection of Jesus, His disciples spread the gospel to the Roman empire and other parts of the world.
Europe has a deep root of Christianity. I believed many people were spirit filled, born again Christians. In Acts 1:1:8, after the resurrection of Jesus, many people from different nations gathered together to wait upon the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit came upon people like tongues of fire (Acts 2:1-4_. This was why I painted tongues of fire descending upon upper part of Italy (i.e. the upper part of the feet.) The backdrop is blue and it symbolizes heaven.
You may ask who is the Holy Spirit? What is a spirit filled Christian? Before we accept the Holy Spirit, our spirit is dead. We cannot communicate with God. After we become a Christian, the Holy Spirit dwells within our bodies, and we can talk to God about anything. He reveals His plan for our lives and we become more like Him. We live in a godly life by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Now I want to share with you my observation about the feet of Italy in relation to the world empire in the end time. In the book of Daniel, there is a statue that depicts 5 world empires. The statue is a warrior since world empire has always conquered by violence. The head of the statute is Babylon and it is gold. The bust is Persia and it is silver. The loins symbolize Greece which is bronze. The two legs symbolize the Roman empire which is iron. Finally, the 10 toes of the statute is partly iron and partly clay (Daniel 11:36-45, Daniel 12:1-11) It is a Rome derived world government (which is also called the New World Order coming out from the US) that will overthrow all the kingdoms of the world. The Antichrist will be the ruler of this world government. I find it quite amazing that the foot of Italy is like the leg of the Roman empire in Daniel, though the bible never made any connection between the leg of the Roman empire and the map of Italy : ) Then the toes of the world government are just like the toes of Italy (the province of Calabria). What is even more amazing is that the heel of Italy (the province of Puglia) is like the number 1. The world government that is derived from the US is number 1 in the world (well, don’t we all know that the US dominates the whole world) and overthrows all kingdoms in the world. I believe that God created the world and He knew how the world will end when he made it. I think it is no incidence that the map of Italy are like the foot and toes of the end time Roman world empire.
Finally the kingdom of God which is a stone (Daniel 2: 44-45) will destroy the kingdom of the Anitchrist. Jesus will overthrow the Antichrist and his wicked world government and establish His kingdom on earth. Saints will co-rule with Jesus on earth (Daniel 7:22, 26,27, Daniel 12:12-13) Isn’t the stone like Sicily? It crushes the toes of Italy (Calabria) While Puglia, the heel of Italy is like the so called no 1 world government which brings hell on earth. The Antichrist who is also called the beast will force people to receive a mark on their forehead or right hand in order to buy and sell. The number of the name of the beast is 666. Those who reject the mark will be beheaded. Those who receive the mark will be condemned to hell because they are worshiping Antichrist whose authority comes from the devil, the ruler of this world. They are in fact worshipping the devil. The devil told Jesus to worship him, so that he could have all the kingdoms of the world. (Matthew 4:8-9).
Sardegna, an island which also belongs to Italy is also like a number 1. It is on the left of Sicily. Can God be saying that His kingdom which is the stone that crushes the final world empire of the antichrist is the real number 1 empire?
I once saw a movie called Cinema Paradiso which was shot in Sicily. It was about a boy’s dream to become a film director in Sicily. Sicily is like the ‘stone’ kingdom of God, which is paradise. There is also a movie called Hell on Heels – the battle of Mary Kay. It is about two companies fighting for customers. Puglia, the heel of Italy is just like the ‘number 1’ New World Order. Isn’t this hell on heels?
Now I want to ask you a few questions. Will you like to be in Sicily, taking part in Cinema Paradiso, or be in Puglia taking part in Hell on Heels? Will you choose to receive the fire of the Holy spirit or live in the fire of hell forever? Will you choose to be in Sardegna, the no 1 island next to Sicily (God’s everlasting ‘stone’ empire) or the no 1 hell bound world empire in Puglia? The choice is yours. I have come to know Jesus and have ‘migrated’ to Sicily. Let’s serve God now . Be sure that He will take us to heaven (i.e be raptured) before the Antichrist gang brings hell on earth.
You will find out more about end time events in my article ‘The Timeline of the Last Days’
當主盼付我畫法國的異象畫「紅白藍」時,我覺得主告訴我法國旗 的紅色象徽着耶穌的寶血洗滌法國的罪。白色代表國家在神眼中是聖潔的。藍色代表法國的命定是天堂。
意大利是歐洲的一個國家。她以 前是偉大的古羅馬帝國。耶穌昰在耶路撒被提督比拉多釘在十字架上的。當耶穌復活之後,衪的門徒把福音傳遍羅馬帝國和世界各地。
基督教在歐洲有悠 久的影響。我相信那時候有很多被聖靈充滿的基督徒。當耶穌升天後,很多不同國藉的人在耶路撒冷等候聖靈的降臨(使徒行傳1:1-8)。聖靈好像火一般降臨到人身上(使徒行傳2:1-4)。我把火畫到意大利隻腳的上半部。背景是藍色。這象徵着天堂。
你也許會問聖靈是誰?什麼是一個重生的基督徒? 當我們沒有接受聖靈前,我們的靈是死的。我們不能與神溝通。當我們成為基督徒時,聖靈住在我們的身體裹。我們可以跟神所欲然。神會告訴我們衪對我們的旨意。我們的性情漸漸跟衪一樣。我們靠着聖靈過看着聖潔的生活。
我想跟你切享我對意大利的脚和末後的帝國的領受。但以記載着一個軍兵的象。這個兵象徽着五個帝國。這些帝國都是用暴力來征服列國的。人像的頭是金的,這象徽巴比倫。胸部是銀的波斯國。腰部是銅的希臘。雙腳昰鐵的羅馬帝國。最後十隻脚孑一部份昰鐵,一部份是泥。(但以琇11:36-45, 12:1-11) 這是從羅馬來的世界政府,即是從美國來的新世界。這個世界政府將會推翻整個世界的政權。敵基督將會是世界政府的首領。我覺得意大利的腳好像但以琇書描述的羅馬帝國的腳。雖然聖經沒有把「羅馬脚」和「意大利脚」相比,但世界政府的腳趾跟意大利的腳趾很相似。更有趣的是意大利的脚跟((Puglia)是1字。從美國出來的世界政府也是一哥。這個一哥將會推翻全世界的政府。神創做世界己知道世界末日時的景況。我想這昰意大利腳跟世界政府的腳和腳趾相似的原因吧。
但以琇書2:44-45告訴我們神的國是石。耶穌會推翻敵基督的邪惡世界政府,並在地上建立衪的王國。聖徒會跟耶穌在地上執政掌權(但以琇7:22,26,27 , 12:12-13)。你覺得西西里島(Sicily)是不是好像石頭一般踏在意大利的腳趾上(Calabria) 。意大利的腳跟(Puglia)1字是不是很像世界一哥?這個一哥將災難帶到整個世界。敵基督(又名獸)將會迫整個世界的人在前額或在手上接受一個印。人們要有這個印才可以買賣。獸的號碼是666。拒絕獸印會被斬頭。接受獸印的人會去地獄因為他們拜敞基督。敞基督的權柄是從魔鬼而來的。魔鬼是這個世界的君王。他跟耶穌說若祂敬拜他,他就把全世界的王國給他(馬太福音4:8-9)。拜敵基督就是拜魔鬼。
撒丁島(Sardegna) 是 一個意屬的, 亦昰個1字。這個島在西西里(Sicily)左面。神會否在說衪的國才是第一? 神的國將滅敵基督的世界政府?
我曾看一部在西西里拍攝的電影。電影名字是星光伴我心。從英文譯過來昰天堂影院。電影描術一個西西里的小男孩夢想做大尿演。西西里是不是很像神的石頭國?神的國便是天堂。号外有一部電影叫地獄鞋根-瑪利姬兒的大鬥 發。電影描術兩間公司拼命地爭顧客。Puglia,意大利的脚跟昰不是新世界的1字?他們要做一哥啊。
我想問你幾個問題。你會想到西西里的天堂影院子或是到Puglia的地獄鞋跟? 你要聖靈之火或是地之火?你會選擇到Sardegna,,在西西里左面的一號天堂島或是到Puglia的地獄王國?選擇權在你。我認識耶穌並會移民西西里。我們一起侍奉神吧。衪會把我們被提到天堂,免去敵基督時代的大災難。
当主盼付我画法国的异象画「红白蓝」时,我觉得主告诉我法国旗 的红色象徽着耶稣的宝血洗涤法国的罪。白色代表国家在神眼中是圣洁的。蓝色代表法国的命定是天堂。
意大利是欧洲的一个国家。她以 前是伟大的古罗马帝国。耶稣昰在耶路撒被提督比拉多钉在十字架上的。当耶稣复活之后,衪的门徒把福音传遍罗马帝国和世界各地。
基督教在欧洲有悠 久的影响。我相信那时候有很多被圣灵充满的基督徒。当耶稣升天后,很多不同国藉的人在耶路撒冷等候圣灵的降临(使徒行传1:1-8)。圣灵好像火一般降临到人身上(使徒行传2:1-4)。我把火画到意大利只脚的上半部。背景是蓝色。这象征着天堂。
你也许会问圣灵是谁?什么是一个重生的基督徒? 当我们没有接受圣灵前,我们的灵是死的。我们不能与神沟通。当我们成为基督徒时,圣灵住在我们的身体裹。我们可以跟神所欲然。神会告诉我们衪对我们的旨意。我们的性情渐渐跟衪一样。我们靠着圣灵过看着圣洁的生活。
我想跟你切享我对意大利的脚和末后的帝国的领受。但以记载着一个军兵的象。这个兵象徽着五个帝国。这些帝国都是用暴力来征服列国的。人像的头是金的,这象徽巴比伦。胸部是银的波斯国。腰部是铜的希腊。双脚昰铁的罗马帝国。最后十只脚孑一部份昰铁,一部份是泥。(但以琇11:36-45, 12:1-11) 这是从罗马来的世界政府,即是从美国来的新世界。这个世界政府将会推翻整个世界的政权。敌基督将会是世界政府的首领。我觉得意大利的脚好像但以琇书描述的罗马帝国的脚。虽然圣经没有把「罗马脚」和「意大利脚」相比,但世界政府的脚趾跟意大利的脚趾很相似。更有趣的是意大利的脚跟((Puglia)是1字。从美国出来的世界政府也是一哥。这个一哥将会推翻全世界的政府。神创做世界己知道世界末日时的景况。我想这昰意大利脚跟世界政府的脚和脚趾相似的原因吧。
但以琇书2:44-45告诉我们神的国是石。耶稣会推翻敌基督的邪恶世界政府,并在地上建立衪的王国。圣徒会跟耶稣在地上执政掌权(但以琇7:22,26,27 , 12:12-13)。你觉得西西里岛(Sicily)是不是好像石头一般踏在意大利的脚趾上(Calabria) 。意大利的脚跟(Puglia)1字是不是很像世界一哥?这个一哥将灾难带到整个世界。敌基督(又名兽)将会迫整个世界的人在前额或在手上接受一个印。人们要有这个印才可以买卖。兽的号码是666。拒绝兽印会被斩头。接受兽印的人会去地狱因为他们拜敞基督。敞基督的权柄是从魔鬼而来的。魔鬼是这个世界的君王。他跟耶稣说若祂敬拜他,他就把全世界的王国给他(马太福音4:8-9)。拜敌基督就是拜魔鬼。
撒丁岛(Sardegna) 是 一个意属的, 亦昰个1字。这个岛在西西里(Sicily)左面。神会否在说衪的国才是第一? 神的国将灭敌基督的世界政府?
我曾看一部在西西里拍摄的电影。电影名字是星光伴我心。从英文译过来昰天堂影院。电影描术一个西西里的小男孩梦想做大尿演。西西里是不是很像神的石头国?神的国便是天堂。号外有一部电影叫地狱鞋根-玛利姬儿的大斗 发。电影描术两间公司拼命地争顾客。Puglia,意大利的脚跟昰不是新世界的1字?他们要做一哥啊。
我想问你几个问题。你会想到西西里的天堂影院子或是到Puglia的地狱鞋跟? 你要圣灵之火或是地之火?你会选择到Sardegna,,在西西里左面的一号天堂岛或是到Puglia的地狱王国?选择权在你。我认识耶稣并会移民西西里。我们一起侍奉神吧。衪会把我们被提到天堂,免去敌基督时代的大灾难。

Hong Kong - City on a Hill (香港 - 山上的城市)

The Lord led me to paint the destiny of Hong. Hong Kong is a city built upon a hill and it cannot be hidden. The gospel has reached Hong Kong long ago. The light of God's word has been shining in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a gateway to spread the gospel to China and many countries in Asia. The Bible says that once a lamp is lit up, it will not be covered, so people can see the light of the gospel.
Matthew 5:14-16
14_You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.15_Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.16_In the same way, let your light shine before others,that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Hong Kong is situated at the pearl river delta and it is also called the pearl of the orient. I believe that Hong Kong will have a place in the new Jerusalem when God creates a new heaven and new earth. There is a pearl on the 12 gates of Jerusalem which will streets of gold. I have painted some white and gold pearls in the sky of Hong Kong
There is also a Noah's ark in Hong Kong. The bible says that in the last days the Lord will take Christians into heaven, while destruction will come upon non-believers and they will be left behind on earth. Judgment will come upon non-believers when they are eating, drinking and getting married just like in the days of Noah. The Noah's ark serves as a warning to people. They should repent, so they will be spared of the coming judgment of the world.
Matthew 24:37-41
37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
May Hong Kong enter into its destiny.
香港 - 山上的城市
馬 太 福 音 5:14-16
15人 點 燈 , 不 放 在 斗 底 下 , 是 放 在 燈 臺 上 , 就 照 亮 一 家 的 人 。
14你 們 是 世 上 的 光 。 城 造 在 山 上 是 不 能 隱 藏 的 。
15人 點 燈 , 不 放 在 斗 底 下 , 是 放 在 燈 臺 上 , 就 照 亮 一 家 的 人 。
16你 們 的 光 也 當 這 樣 照 在 人 前 , 叫 他 們 看 見 你 們 的 好 行 為 , 便 將 榮 耀 歸 給 你 們 在 天 上 的 父 。
香港 - 山上的城市
马 太 福 音 5:14-16
14你 们 是 世 上 的 光 。 城 造 在 山 上 是 不 能 隐 藏 的 。
15人 点 灯 , 不 放 在 斗 底 下 , 是 放 在 灯 台 上 , 就 照 亮 一 家 的 人 。
16你 们 的 光 也 当 这 样 照 在 人 前 , 叫 他 们 看 见 你 们 的 好 行 为 , 便 将 荣 耀 归 给 你 们 在 天 上 的 父 。

Great Depression, Great Awakening (大簫條,大復興) (大箫条,大复与)

I feel that the future of this world is very bleak. The global economic crisis caused by the US brings adversity to people. It is like the Great Depression. People from many countries, especially those from the US and Europe, are unemployed. There is even feeding program in the US. Many European countries are on the verge of bankcruptcy. Israel is about to attack Iran to eradicate their nuclear program. Iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the map. The US will join Israel's attack and bring about a one world government that has total control over citizens of the world. This one world government will overthrow all the kingdoms of the world by the economic crisis and war. The antichrist has a number of his name, which is 666. He will be the world ruler with 10 kings co-ruling with him. The US is getting people ready to accept the world government by bringing suffering and chaos in the world.
Frankly, I am not happy with the way things are in the world. But God can bring about good for people in the midst of chaos. I feel that people will only seek the Lord when there is crisis in their lives. Our modern day economic crisis is like the famine in Joseph's day. Joseph was the prime minister in Egypt, he was second to Pharoah. He interpreted a dream for Pharoah. He told Pharoah that there would be seven good years and seven years of famine. During the good years, Joseph stored up a huge amount of grain in preparation for the famine (Genesis 41). During the famine, many people from neighbouring nations came to Egypt to buy grain. They sold everything they had in exchange for the grains. They even sold themselves to be slaves. They were satisfied and became fruitful in Egypt. (Genesis 47:13-27)
I painted grains in heaven coming down on earth. I think that not only does God want to feed people, He also wants to feed us with the bread of life, that is the word of God. We all know that bread comes from grain. God's kingdom is coming down from heaven to earth, and it disperses darkness that is covering the whole word. There is the economic crisis which is bringing darkness to the world. There is also spiritual darkness that blinds the eyes of people, so they will not respond to the gospel.
I just proclaim in the name of the Lord that people will have bread and spiritual bread from the Lord. People will find hope in the midst of crisis in the world, and they will have abundant life brought about by the Lord. Even when people are walking through dark valley, they will fear no evil because they are comforted by God’s word and His presence. God prepares a table choice food and His word before them. God’s goodness will be with people all the days of their lives and they will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23)
Psalm 23
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
4Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
近來世界所發生的事也好像很灰。美國一手做成的環球經濟大簫倏今很多人生活困苦。這就好像第二次世界大戰前的大簫倏一樣。歐美和很多國家的失業率高企。美國更有團體派食物給普羅大眾。很多歐洲國家也瀕臨破產。以色列很快便要攻打伊朗。他們要摧毀伊朗的核武器。伊朗曾威脅 要消滅以色列。美國會跟以色列攻打伊朗,繼而統 一全球設立他們的世界政府。這個政府要控制全世界,他們利用金融危機和戰爭推翻全世界的政權。敵基督將會是這個世界政府的首領。十個王會跟他一同瓜分全世界。敵基督名子的數目是666。美國正在令到世界大亂和使人活在困苦。這才能使人接受這個世界政府。簡直方謬!
我對近年世界發生的事情感到不滿。但神能在動盪的世代使人歸向衪。很多時人只會在危難的時侯才會尋求祂。今天的大簫條就好像約瑟時代的大饑荒。約瑟是埃及法老王的宰相,他為法老解夢。他告訴法老未來七年的大豐收和之後七年的大饑荒。在豐收事代,約瑟 存了大量穀物來防饑 (創世紀 41) 。當大饑荒來臨的時侯,鄰近國家的人都前往埃及買穀物。他們賣去一切來換取穀物,甚至做奴隸。他們得到温飽並過着豐盛的人生(創世記47:13-27)。神想人得温飽,衪也想我們吃生命麵包。這就是衪的話語。麵包是從麥子來的。神的國從天來到地上,並拿走整個世界的黑暗。大蕭倏把黑暗帶來世界。人們也活在黑暗中,眼睛也是瞎的。所以他們看不透福音的光。
我奉主耶穌的名宣告人有麵包和天上的麵包吃。人們會在大簫條中找到盼望。主會賜人豐盛的人生。雖然人們過着困苦的生活,他們也不怕遭 害,因為神的話語和同在安慰他們。神賜豐富的食物和靈糧給他們。神使人的福杯滿 溢。他們一生一世必有恩惠慈愛隨著他們;他們且要住在耶 和華的殿中,直到永遠 。
詩 篇 23
1 耶 和 華 是 我 的 牧 者 , 我 必 不 致 缺 乏 。
2 他 使 我 躺 臥 在 青 草 地 上 , 領 我 在 可 安 歇 的 水 邊 。
3 他 使 我 的 靈 魂 甦 醒 , 為 自 己 的 名 引 導 我 走 義 路 。
4 我 雖 然 行 過 死 蔭 的 幽 谷 , 也 不 怕 遭 害 , 因 為 你 與 我 同 在 ; 你 的 杖 , 你 的 竿 , 都 安 慰 我 。
5 在 我 敵 人 面 前 , 你 為 我 擺 設 筵 席 ; 你 用 油 膏 了 我 的 頭 , 使 我 的 福 杯 滿 溢 。
6 我 一 生 一 世 必 有 恩 惠 慈 愛 隨 著 我 ; 我 且 要 住 在 耶 和 華 的 殿 中 , 直 到 永 遠 。
近来世界所发生的事也好像很灰。美国一手做成的环球经济大箫倏今很多人生活困苦。这就好像第二次世界大战前的大箫倏一样。欧美和很多国家的失业率高企。美国更有团体派食物给普罗大众。很多欧洲国家也濒临破产。以色列很快便要攻打伊朗。他们要摧毁伊朗的核武器。伊朗曾威胁 要消灭以色列。美国会跟以色列攻打伊朗,继而统 一全球设立他们的世界政府。这个政府要控制全世界,他们利用金融危机和战争推翻全世界的政权。敌基督将会是这个世界政府的首领。十个王会跟他一同瓜分全世界。敌基督名子的数目是666。美国正在令到世界大乱和使人活在困苦。这才能使人接受这个世界政府。简直方谬!
我对近年世界发生的事情感到不满。但神能在动荡的世代使人归向衪。很多时人只会在危难的时侯才会寻求祂。今天的大箫条就好像约瑟时代的大饥荒。约瑟是埃及法老王的宰相,他为法老解梦。他告诉法老未来七年的大丰收和之后七年的大饥荒。在丰收事代,约瑟 存了大量谷物来防饥 (创世纪 41) 。当大饥荒来临的时侯,邻近国家的人都前往埃及买谷物。他们卖去一切来换取谷物,甚至做奴隶。他们得到温饱并过着丰盛的人生(创世记47:13-27)。神想人得温饱,衪也想我们吃生命面包。这就是衪的话语。面包是从麦子来的。神的国从天来到地上,并拿走整个世界的黑暗。大萧倏把黑暗带来世界。人们也活在黑暗中,眼睛也是瞎的。所以他们看不透福音的光。
我奉主耶稣的名宣告人有面包和天上的面包吃。人们会在大箫条中找到盼望。主会赐人丰盛的人生。虽然人们过着困苦的生活,他们也不怕遭 害,因为神的话语和同在安慰他们。神赐丰富的食物和灵粮给他们。神使人的福杯满 溢。他们一生一世必有恩惠慈爱随着他们;他们且要住在耶 和华的殿中,直到永远 。
诗 篇 23
1 耶 和 华 是 我 的 牧 者 , 我 必 不 致 缺 乏 。
2 他 使 我 躺 卧 在 青 草 地 上 , 领 我 在 可 安 歇 的 水 边 。
3 他 使 我 的 灵 魂 苏 醒 , 为 自 己 的 名 引 导 我 走 义 路 。
4 我 虽 然 行 过 死 荫 的 幽 谷 , 也 不 怕 遭 害 , 因 为 你 与 我 同 在 ; 你 的 杖 , 你 的 竿 , 都 安 慰 我 。
5 在 我 敌 人 面 前 , 你 为 我 摆 设 筵 席 ; 你 用 油 膏 了 我 的 头 , 使 我 的 福 杯 满 溢 。
6 我 一 生 一 世 必 有 恩 惠 慈 爱 随 着 我 ; 我 且 要 住 在 耶 和 华 的 殿 中 , 直 到 永 远 。

Friday, August 24, 2012

God will make a way (神必开路)

Recently, I felt trapped in my job search. There seemed to be no way. Then I heard the Holy Spirit whispering this song ‘God will make a way, where there seems to be no way’. The Lord also led me to paint this painting, ‘God will make a way’. By faith, I proclaimed that God will make a way for me. God reminded me how He opened the way in the Red Sea for the Israelites to leave Egypt. Pharoah’s army was chasing the Israelites. The Israelites had the sea in front of them. Then God told Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea. God drove the sea back with a strong wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left.
God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength
For each new day
He will make a way
He will make a way
By a roadway in the wilderness
He'll lead me
And rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His Word will still remain
He will do something new today
After I had painted the painting, God did give me a job and I felt very relieved. There have been times when I questioned God’ ability to intervene in my circumstance. I felt that He just left men to decide the outcome. I even doubted if He is Almighty God. 。Now I can say that, all things are possible with God. He is doing something new today in my life. During my time out , I realized that it’s a new season for painting and writing. Now, I also have a new job which is different from what I used to do.
Mark 10:27
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
I painted a cross at the end of the dry path. We must seek God first and know that He is the way, before He opens a way for us. Many non-believers (and even Christians) always worry about what they eat and drink, or if they will have enough money to retire early. They just do not want to seek God first and rely on Him to provide and to resolve a problem. They just want to fix their problem their own way without giving a slightest thought about God. We must remember that God is our help and guide till the end.
I also feel encouraged that when I painted the prophetic painting, the outcome turned to be exactly as what I have painted. Previously, I have painted some prophetic paintings for nations. By faith, I proclaimed the salvation and destiny of various nations. I did not even see a single soul got saved. I asked God if I was disillusioned. Will these people get saved before the rapture? God says there is timing and season for everything. So, I will just have to trust Him.
我最近找工时觉得完全没有出路。脑裹就听到这首歌, ‘神要开道路,在旷野无路之处,虽未看见,祂已看顾,祂要为我开道路。神就叫我画这幅画’ 神必开路’’。 我靠着信心便画了这幅画,并信神会为我开路。神跟我说当以色列人被埃及法老的军队追赶时,他们前面只有红海。衪便叫摩西向红海举起手。神便把海分开并将海娈成她。以色列人便在地上通过红海。
马 可 福 音 10:27
27 耶 稣 看 着 他 们 , 说 : 在 人 是 不 能 , 在 神 却 不 然 , 因 为 神 凡 事 都 能 。

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dream a little dream of me (美梦成真)

I recently saw a French movie called ‘With Love, from the Age of Reason’, starring Sophie Marceau. She played a high powered, 40 year old business woman. She had advanced in her career. One day, an old man presented to her a box of letters which she wrote when she was 7. She dreamt about going to Africa to help the poor people there. In the end, she did quit her job and go to Africa to pursue her dream. During the Age of Reason or Age of Enlightenment, the French pursued the advancement of knowledge. The great French thinkers even brought about the French revolution and eventually overthrew the French monarchy.
Now, the unemployment rate in France is about 10%. What kind of ideas can they come up with to resolve the euro crisis? On the other hand, I have heard that Chinese people are very pragmatic. I think it applies to all nations nowadays. In Hong Kong, people work like slaves, just to hold a job. Most people wish to have enough money to retire early. Playing games on the internet seems to be the only way for people to escape from reality.
One day, I played the song, Dream a little dream of me’ by Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, icons in jazz from America.
This song was also sung by Doris Day, a classic Hollywood movie star.
The lyrics go like this:
Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me
Here is the song sung by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong.
Here is the version sung by Doris Day.
In Revelation, we learn that Jesus is also called the Morning Star. I feel the Lord is telling me that He is the star that shines above us and He is saying that He loves us. He is telling the birds to sing ‘Dream a little dream of me, Jesus’
Revelation 22:16
16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
In Acts: 2:17, God says He will pour out His Spirit on us. Old men will dream dreams. Well you need to be old to dream dreams. If you think you are young, ask God for visions rather than dreams.
Acts 2:17
17 “‘In the last days, God says, will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
So we must have dream. You may ask, the world is in a mess right now, what can I dream about? You must dream a little dream of Jesus. Perhaps He is allowing the crisis in this world to help you focus on Him. You must stop and think about where we are heading on earth. Indeed, there is little time left before Jesus returns to this world. God’s dream is this: He longs to draw all nations back to Himself. He also wants mankind to spend eternity with Him. He wants to be your friend right now on earth, just like He called Abraham, the patriarch of Israel His friend. God told Abraham that He is his very great reward. God is also our great reward.
Genesis 15:1
[The LORD’s Covenant With Abram] After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward. ”
Today you may be stuck in a job, feeling depressed and have no hope. You may not even have a job during this economic crisis. Remember that Jesus is the morning star. He turns our darkness into light. As we use our talents to serve His purpose, He will give us unspeakable joy and fulfillment.
Remember to Dream a little dream of Jesus. Will you be His friend and ask for His Holy Spirit? Will you work together with Him to make His ultimate dream of drawing mankind back to him, come true?
最近我看了一出由苏菲玛素演出的法国电影 “穿梭少女梦”。苏菲饰演一个年过四十的女强人。有一天,一个老翁送了一盒信给她。这些信是她七岁时所写的。她的梦想是往非洲帮助那儿的穷人。最终她辞去工作到非洲实贱她的梦想。在 “理性时期” 或 “启蒙时代” ,法国人追求知识。他们搞法国大革命,甚至推翻法国皇帝的统治。
今天法国的失业律是10%。法国人可以解决欧债危机吗? 有人跟我说中国人很实际。我想今天什么国家的人也很实际。香港人工作时们长,每人都拼博地保住自己的饭碗。很多人的 ” 梦想” 便是赚够钱提早退体。今天不少人靠打机来逃避现实。
有一天,我在网上收听埃拉夫人(Ella Fitzgerald)和刘易斯. 阿姆斯特朗(Louis Armstrong) 唱的名曲 “梦见我吧” (Dream a Little Dream of Me) 。他们两人在生是美国爵士乐坛的重量级人马。四十年代的荷里活影星桃乐丝. 黛(Doris Day) 也唱过这首歌。歌词如下:
你可在以下的网址听到埃拉夫人和刘易斯. 阿姆斯特朗唱的歌。
桃乐丝. 黛所唱的版本如下:
在启示录记载耶稣是晨星。主跟我说衪是晨星在我们头上光照着。衪在说衪爱我们。雀鸟在唱” 你梦见耶稣吗”?
启 示 录 22:16
16 我 ─ 耶 稣 差 遣 我 的 使 者 为 众 教 会 将 这 些 事 向 你 们 证 明 。 我 是 大 卫 的 根 , 又 是 他 的 后 裔 。 我 是 明 亮 的 晨 星 。
在使徒行传2:17, 神说衪要把衪的灵浇灌在人上。老人要做异梦。你是老人吗? 若你是年青人,你就问神给你异象。
使 徒 行 传 2:17
17 神 说 : 在 末 后 的 日 子 , 我 要 将 我 的 灵 浇 灌 凡 有 血 气 的 。 你 们 的 儿 女 要 说 预 言 ; 你 们 的 少 年 人 要 见 异 象 ; 老 年 人 要 做 异 梦 。
创世 记 15:1
15 这 事 以 后 , 耶 和 华 在 异 象 中 有 话 对 亚 伯 兰 说 : 亚 伯 兰 , 你 不 要 惧 怕 ! 我 是 你 的 盾 牌 , 必 大 大 的 赏 赐 你
你可能做一份苦差 ,也许你忧郁又觉得没有盼望。你可能连工作也没有。你要记着耶稣是晨星。衪光照我们,把黑暗拿走。我们应当用衪给我们的才干来侍奉衪。神会给我们极大的喜乐和满足感。

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Grace – Blossoming (心花怒放)

May the joy of the Lord, your bridegroom, be always with you, Grace, His bride. May this wedding bouquet remind you of God’s everlasting love for you.

Isaiah 62:3-5
You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand,
    a royal diadem in the hand of your God.
No longer will they call you Deserted,
    or name your land Desolate.
But you will be called Hephzibah,[a]
    and your land Beulah[b];
for the Lord will take delight in you,
    and your land will be married.
As a young man marries a young woman,
    so will your Builder marry you;
as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride,
    so will your God rejoice over you.

